The Gospel

We preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and so, we preach Him and Him crucified. For it is through Jesus’ death on the cross as an atonement for our sin - that is the way to God - through His resurrection, the truth of who He is, and the life that only He can give. As Paul states, there is only one Gospel—this Gospel is the common thread that weaves us all together.

The Gathering

We gather in Community. Discipleship happens when we are intentional about how we live among each other and within our community. We believe that the shallowness of much of what is called Christianity today, is due to the self-centeredness that plagues our culture and, unfortunately, the church. We recognize and submit to the commands of scripture to disciple and love one another and this cannot happen if our lives do not intersect.

The Growth

All scripture is useful for teaching. We believe that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” (2 Tim 3:16) “…admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.” (Col 1:28) Spiritual growth and obedience to God’s commands are an essential part of maturity and God’s will for our lives so that we can proclaim Jesus.

The Good of the Community

We are committed to the city of Carson and beyond. This our city. This is where we live. This is where we show others the love of Christ. The impact we have in our city, and in the lives of the community we live in and beyond says a lot about who we think Jesus is. We believe in neighborhood and global transformation through the sharing of the gospel and intentional living because the greatest way to love our neighbor is to share God’s love for them—such a Love for which God would give his only Son. We are a Gospel-centered, Multi-ethnic, Inter-Generational Church. We exist to be disciples and to make disciple-making disciples in Jesus name.